You CAN Cancel Your Timeshare With This Free Exit Package

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This Free Package Has Lead to Over 40,000 Families Save More Than $525,000,000 in Timeshare Fees

Here is a quick preview of what you will see in your free timeshare exit package.

The 5 Ways to GET RID of Your Timeshare

There are many different ways you can get rid of your timeshare. On page 17, you’ll learn about the top 5 things you can do to get out of it for good like rescission period, resale, or total cancellation.

The 3 BIGGEST Lies Timeshare Sales People Tell

As if their psychological slights of hand weren’t enough, sometimes, timeshare companies will just flat out lie. On page 26, we’ll go more in depth about the lies they often use and why it isn’t your fault that they misled you into the timeshare trap.

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The DARK PSYCHOLOGY of a Timeshare Sales Meeting

Timeshare companies are tricky and they use psychological strategies to get you to take action. The top six they use are explained in depth on page 5 and include things like scarcity, authority, reciprocity and consensus.

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Why Wesley Financial Group?

Think of us like Robinhood without the tights. We exist to help good people out of bad timeshare situations.

Thousands of Families Helped

Over 3,000 5-star Reviews

More than $525,000,000 Saved for Timeshare Owners

Over a Decade of Timeshare Cancellation Experience

Join Our Anti-Timeshare Mission. Get Your Free Timeshare Exit Package Shipped STRAIGHT To Your Door Today!

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Over 500,000 Timeshare Exit Info Kits Delivered

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100% FREE! We'll even pay shipping!

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